yaghan people造句


  1. Villa Ukika is a district of Puerto Williams where the last few Yaghan people live.
  2. In English, the term originally referred to the Yaghan people of Tierra del Fuego.
  3. His encounters with the native Yaghan people would inflence his later views of human evolution.
  4. The Yaghan people, living in the harsh environment, survived on the natural resources of the sea.
  5. He continued to work with the Selk'nam ( Ona ) and Yaghan peoples for nearly 20 more years.
  6. It's difficult to find yaghan people in a sentence. 用yaghan people造句挺难的
  7. An Anglican missionary settlement set up in the mid-19th century served some Yaghan people brought there from Tierra del Fuego.
  8. The prehistoric Yaghan people who inhabited the Tierra Del Fuego area constructed stonework in shallow inlets that would effectively confine fish at low tide levels.
  9. An archaeological site at Bahia Wulaia has been associated with the Megalithic seasonal settlements there of the Yaghan peoples about 10, 000 years ago.
  10. In the mid-19th century, the Patagonian Missionary Society suffered several major losses and setbacks in the project for the Yaghan people at Tierra del Fuego archipelago.
  11. What can be seen of the Yaghan people and their settlements today are mainly relics in the form of piles of mussel shells overgrown with grass near the seashore.
  12. Myths of the Yaghan people of a " world fire " may be a reference to volcanism at Fueguino, but they could also refer to an impact event.
  13. Magellan named the island on the south side as " Tierra del Fuego ", which the Yaghan people called " Onais韓 " in the Yaghan language.
  14. The Selk'nam had lived for thousands of years a semi-nomadic life in Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego ( literally, " big island of land of fire; " its name was based on early Spanish explorers'observations of smoke from Selk'nam bonfires . ) They lived in the northeast, with the Haush people to their east on the Mitre Peninsula, and the Yaghan people to the west and south, in the central part of the main island and throughout southern islands of the archipelago.


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  4. "yaghan"造句
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  7. "yagher"造句
  8. "yaghi"造句
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  10. "yaghma"造句

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